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Why is my Cat Breathing Heavy & What Can I Do

Why is my Cat Breathing Heavy & What Can I Do

Heavy breathing is more common in dogs than cats, which makes it concerning when you notice this behavior in your cat. In this post, our West Salem vets explain some reasons your cat could be breathing heavily and when you should be concerned.

Heavy Breathing & Panting In Cats

There are situations when it is normal for your cat to be panting however, sometimes it could be a sign of a serious condition that requires immediate veterinary care.

If you see your cat breathing heavily, start assessing the situation following the criteria listed below.

Bring your kitty in for veterinary treatment if their heavy breathing is out of the ordinary or if it's been happening for a long time period.

Normal Panting in Cats

Sometimes panting is normal for cats. Think about what your cat was experiencing or doing right before you noticed the panting.

 Like dogs, cats can pant when they are overheated, stressed, anxious, or after exercising. This kind of panting should resolve once the cat calms down, cools down, or rests.

Although, this type of panting in cats is significantly rarer than it is in dogs. So if you aren't completely sure why your cat is panting, visit your veterinarian.

Abnormal Panting in Cats

If your cat isn’t stressed, too warm, or tired from exercise, heavy or labored breathing can be a sign of a serious medical problem. In this situation, emergency veterinary care could be required.


Asthma can also be a reason for cats panting, wheezing, and coughing, it can also increase their respiratory rate.  Asthma is treatable in cats and often requires medications called corticosteroids or bronchodilators.


Heartworm in cats can cause breathing difficulties. Treatment for heartworm includes supportive care with corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and oxygen therapy in more serious cases. Since heartworm disease can be fatal for cats, it's essential to keep your kitty on monthly heartworm preventatives.

Congestive Heart Failure

When fluid builds up in and around the lungs, it can cause deep, rapid breathing, coughing, and panting. Treatment might include draining the fluid, as well as medications to dilate blood vessels, get rid of excess fluid, and make the heart contract more forcefully.

Respiratory Infection

Respiratory infection can lead to difficulty breathing, which causes labored and loud breaths.

Respiratory infections are usually viral, but when a secondary bacterial infection develops, antibiotics might be needed for treatment. Humidifiers and steam may help loosen mucus and make nasal breathing easier as your cat gets better.

Other Conditions

Here are a few other conditions that could lead to your cat breathing heavily:

  • Trauma
  • Anemia
  • Neurologic disorders
  • Abdominal enlargement
  • Pain

If you notice your cat breathing heavily, contact our West Salem vets for an examination immediately.

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